Cigar Detective
"Habibi" (حبيبي) is an Arabic term that translates to "my love" or "my dear" in English.
It's an affectionate term used to address someone close to you, such as a friend, family member, or romantic partner. The word "habibi" is commonly used in various Middle Eastern and North African countries as a term of endearment or affection, expressing care, fondness, or closeness towards the person it is directed to.
It can be used between people of the same gender or opposite genders and holds a connotation of warmth and emotional connection. This phrase is commonly used by our founder, and pays homage to his family’s roots in the Middle East. Habibi, our first design and one of our longest-awaited releases of the Cigar Detective umbrella is a true work of art made by our good friend and manufacturing partner Chico Rivas.
This cigar encompasses the perfect harmony between complexity and balance. The initial release has been blended in one of our favorite sizes, you guessed it right, corona, and marks the beginning of a beautiful brand that represents love and fraternity. Habibi provides main notes of cedar-wood, hay, vanilla bean, and is complimented by undertones of leather.
"Habibi" (حبيبي) is an Arabic term that translates to "my love" or "my dear" in English.
It's an affectionate term used to address someone close to you, such as a friend, family member, or romantic partner. The word "habibi" is commonly used in various Middle Eastern and North African countries as a term of endearment or affection, expressing care, fondness, or closeness towards the person it is directed to.
It can be used between people of the same gender or opposite genders and holds a connotation of warmth and emotional connection. This phrase is commonly used by our founder, and pays homage to his family’s roots in the Middle East. Habibi, our first design and one of our longest-awaited releases of the Cigar Detective umbrella is a true work of art made by our good friend and manufacturing partner Chico Rivas.
This cigar encompasses the perfect harmony between complexity and balance. The initial release has been blended in one of our favorite sizes, you guessed it right, corona, and marks the beginning of a beautiful brand that represents love and fraternity. Habibi provides main notes of cedar-wood, hay, vanilla bean, and is complimented by undertones of leather.
Cigar Details
- Wrapper: Corojo
- Binder: Dominican
- Filler: Dominican
- Country of origin: Dominican Republic
- Cigar Factory: Manufactura Rivas / Chico Rivas
Impeccably High
What make us better
About The
Cigar Factory
What To Expect From
Cigar Detective?
Frequently Asked
Cigar Detective is the brainchild of experienced cigar industry veterans. We aim to offer something special to both seasoned cigar aficionados and newcomers. We're changing the market by combining small-scale, high-quality, and artisanal cigar-making with affordability.
We strongly believe in our mission to gather top-notch cigars and highlight the amazing factories that make them. Our deep industry connections allow us to get the best tobacco and cigars from renowned factories around the world, offering top quality at the most accessible prices. We understand the desire for top-notch cigars with attractive branding without the hefty price tag. Our goal is to create exceptional cigars at great value, as we like to say: "Good cigars. Great prices."
Our team engages in a detailed process of blend development with our partner factories and intricate branding. We visit the factories, deep dive into the profile we are trying to achieve, give these brands life through a visual identity, and finally let the cigars age until they are ready to be enjoyed by our friends and customers. We work with the best tobaccos on the planet and sacrifice our margins to enable affordability, allowing more people to access these high quality products that would be otherwise much more costly with different branding and multi-leveled retail structure.
Unless we are developing a special collaboration, we will not be selling brands not owned and developed by Cigar Detective for the time being. All cigar brands have been envisioned, sourced, and developed by our team with the purpose to fulfill the market’s wants and needs.
Our team has been fortunate to have developed amazing relationships with the most reputable factories in the world. We work with factories from Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and other countries renowned for having the best cigars in the world.
Cigar Detective has the first and only cigar monthly subscription of its kind - available in January 2024. Stay connected to be the first to find out and get in.