Cigar Detective - Premium Cigars - Habibi

Cigar Detective - Premium Cigars - Habibi

Welcome, dear connoisseurs and beginner cigar enthusiasts! Today, you're in for a treat as we delve into the world of Cigar Detective, an online hub that offers you the opportunity to explore a catalog of premium and ultra-premium cigars. This standout shop specializes in the highest quality cigars at the most affordable prices on the market. If you have ever wondered where you can buy customized premium cigars online without breaking the bank, then you have come to the right place! 

Our commitment to offering exceptional value is evident in the superior quality and distinctive flavor of our cigars. They are carefully crafted using only the best tobacco, for a rich and fulfilling smoke with each and every draw.

Welcome to the captivating world of cigars! Whether you're embarking on a new discovery or you're an avid aficionado, Cigar Detective is your go-to resource. Our expansive range includes both premium and ultra-premium cigars that can be tailored to your unique preferences.

 Premium Cigar - Introducing Habibi 

Cigar Detective - Premium Cigars - Habibi - Chico Rivas Cigar Manufacturer

Among our exclusive collection lies 'Habibi' - a shining beacon of what Cigar Detective proudly stands for. Habibi is a premium cigar that's been crafted with an intricate balance of complexity and subtlety. Right from the first release, which was blended in corona, Habibi immediately marked the commencement of a brand that speaks volumes about love and fraternity. 

Our commitment to exceptional quality shines through with Habibi. Habibi was developed together with Chico Rivas, this collaboration is an exciting addition to the numerous successful projects we've launched through Cigar Detective.

We manifest our values – superior quality at incredibly competitive prices, through our dedication in sourcing the finest tobacco. Habibi stands as the model of this venture, boasting an alluring blend of main notes of cedar-wood, hay, and vanilla bean, further accentuated by the rich undertones of leather, creating a truly unique experience that can satisfy even the most discerning aficionado. 

Our creation of the Habibi cigar speaks volumes about our collective dedication to providing exemplary smoking experiences.

  • Cedar-wood: Brings in a certain earthiness, grounding the overall experience.
  • Hay: Introduces an organic, rustic feel.
  • Vanilla Bean: Adds a touch of sweet sophistication.
  • Leather: Imparts a hint of grandeur and exclusivity.

Apart from Habibi, you can also learn more about our catalog of premium cigars here.

Cigar Details

  • Wrapper: Corojo 
  • Binder: Dominican
  • Filler: Dominican
  • Country of origin: Dominican Republic
  • Cigar Factory: Manufactura Rivas / Chico Rivas
  • Shipping: within 24 to 48 hours
  • Prices / Sizes

- 5 PACK / 6.25x46 CORONA - $33.75 USD

- Bundle 20 / 6.25x46 CORONA -  $135.00 USD


    About The Cigar Factory
    Manufactura Rivas / Chico Rivas

    Cigar Detective - Cigar Manufacturers - Manufactura Rivas - Chico Rivas

    Chico Rivas is recognized for producing premium cigars, valued for their rich flavors and high-quality craftsmanship. This brand is highly regarded among cigar enthusiasts for its traditional manufacturing methods and superior tobacco quality.

    Are you intrigued by the idea of experiencing a variety of premium cigars every month without straining your budget? If so, you might find the My Cigar Pack club membership appealing. With different levels of membership to fit a range of budgets, you can look forward to a curated selection of premium cigars delivered to your doorstep, offering a new sensory journey each month.

    Interested in learning more about Cigar Detective, premium cigars, or ultra premium cigars? check our blog.

    The ultra premium cigar experience is already in process, stay alert for what we have prepared for you. Subscribe to our mailing list for insider news, product launches, and more!







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