Cigar Detective - Premium Cigars - New Moon

Cigar Detective Premium Cigars Catalog - New Moon - Tabacalera La Isla - Hostos Fernandez

One of our paramount cigar offerings here at Cigar Detective is the New Moon cigar, a formidable testament to our unyielding commitment to providing top-notch cigars at unbeatable prices. This newer entrant in our formidable roster hails from the justly vaunted Tabacalera La Isla / Hostos Fernandez cigar factory. Let's take this journey into the alluring bliss that the New Moon offers. The sizes in which New Moon cigar is available are Robusto 5.50x50 & Toro 6x50 (5 PACKS.)

At Cigar Detective, our goal is to offer you the finest cigars. Each one is a result of dedicated selection and flavor development. 

Our commitment guarantees exceptional cigars that deliver a distinctive taste. With every cigar you purchase from us, be prepared for top-notch quality, value for money, and a delightful smoking experience.

If you're a seasoned cigar aficionado or a curious newbie diving into the world of cigars, Cigar Detective is your ultimate destination. Our extensive collection of top-tier cigars, such as the New Moon, caters to all palates, all at wallet-friendly rates. We promise an unmatched, cost-effective cigar experience.

Cigar Detective Catalog - Experience the Sophistication of New Moon Premium Cigar

Cigar Detective Premium Cigars Catalog - New Moon - Tabacalera La Isla - Hostos Fernandez

With New Moon, it's all about sophistication, a reflection of Hostos Fernandez's breadth of knowledge and sheer mastery. Consider it akin to a finely brewed espresso, revealing layers and layers of complication, unraveling a delicious symphony of flavors as it gradually unfolds.

The chief notes of New Moon are those of rich, velvety espresso foam. These are seamlessly merged with subtle accents of earthy hay, bringing an intriguingly rustic touch to the ensemble. Lastly, the subtle whispers of caramel are not to be missed, adding just the perfect dash of sweetness to the blend. In other words, it's like: 

  • Unraveling a harmoniously entwined symphony of delightful notes
  • Getting immersed in the rustic charm evoked by the hints of earthy hay
  • Relishing the sweet subtlety brought by the undertones of caramel

Get to know our latest offering at Cigar Detective - the premium New Moon cigar. Crafted under the expert hands of Hostos Fernandez from the esteemed Tabacalera La Isla factory, New Moon stands as a testament to our unwavering promise of superior quality. We're sure you'll find this new addition a delightful choice in our top-range selection.

We are committed to providing you with high-quality cigars at affordable prices. A prime example of our commitment is the New Moon premium cigar.

When you ignite a La Panthere, your senses are greeted with rich flavors. Imagine savouring the enticing tastes of caramel and cashew butter, sprinkled with delicate hints of macadamia. Such is the exquisite blend of flavors that La Panthere offers. We believe this rare combination creates an unmatched cigar experience that everyone can enjoy.

  • Flavors: Notes of espresso foam, hints of earthy hay, & undertones of caramel
  • Wrapper: Connecticut Ecuador
  • Origins: Crafted at Tabacalera La Isla / Hostos Fernandez cigar factory.

We're excited to present to you our premium New Moon cigar. This high-quality cigar is a testament to our dedication in providing the best possible smoking experiences.

Apart from New Moon, you can also learn more about our catalog of premium cigars here.

Cigar Details

  • Wrapper: Connecticut Ecuador
  • Binder: Dominican
  • Filler: Dominican, Nicaraguan
  • Country of origin: Dominican Republic
  • Cigar Factory: Tabacalera La Isla / Hostos Fernandez
  • Shipping: within 24 to 48 hours
  • Prices / Sizes

- 5 PACK / ROBUSTO 5.50x50 - $28.75 USD

- 5 PACK / TORO 6x50 -  $29.99 USD


About The Cigar Factory
Tabacalera La Isla / Hostos Fernandez
Cigar Detective Premium Cigars Catalog - New Moon - Tabacalera La Isla - Hostos Fernandez

Based in Santiago, Dominican Republic, Tabacalera La Isla is a fresh and innovative cigar factory dedicated to producing premium private-label cigars. Helmed by Hostos Fernandez, this boutique facility works with a close-knit team of skilled roller to craft exquisite handmade cigars in the intimate setting of the Gurabo Industrial Park Free Zone. 

Looking for a way to savor a variety of top-notch cigars every month without breaking the bank? Check out the My Cigar Pack cigar club membership. Catering to all budget ranges, memberships offer you the delight of discovering a new array of premium cigars at your doorstep every month, each smoke promising a unique experience.

Interested in learning more about Cigar Detective, premium cigars, or ultra premium cigars? check our blog.

The ultra premium cigar experience is already in process, stay alert for what we have prepared for you. Subscribe to our mailing list for insider news, product launches, and more!







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