Cigar Detective - Premium Cigars - La Panthere

Cigar Detective Premium Cigars - La Panthere - Cigar Factory Tabacalera La Isla Hostos Fernandez

Taking a moment to sink into relaxation with a high-quality cigar is truly a unique pleasure. Here at Cigar Detective, we devote ourselves to curating a selection of fine cigars that offer both quality and unforgettable flavour experiences. Among our range, the La Panthere cigar certainly stands as an exemplar. The sizes in which La Panthere cigar is available are Lonsdale 5.5x43 & Short Robusto 4.5x48 (5 PACKS.)

Here at Cigar Detective, we ensure you get the best. We carefully select our tobacco and develop unique flavors to offer you outstanding cigars. 

We commit to providing excellent cigars that promise a remarkable taste. With every cigar from us, you can expect high quality and great value, delivering a pleasurable experience with every smoke.

Whether you're an experienced cigar lover or just starting to explore this vibrant world, look no further than Cigar Detective. We've got an array of top-class cigars tailored to fit your taste - all at prices that won't break the bank. We deliver the same value of experience for less cost.

Exploring Cigar Detective Premium Cigars Catalog - La Panthère: 

Cigar Detective Premium Cigars - La Panthere - Cigar Factory Tabacalera La Isla Hostos Fernandez

"La Panthère," or "The Panther," is a name given to a big, strong, and elusive wild cat from the Felidae family. Introducing our elegant and bold creation, La Panthère. This beautifully crafted cigar comes straight from the skilled hands of Hostos Fernandez at the renowned Tabacalera La Isla factory. Originally blended in small sizes, its intense charm captivated us. And thus, it was fittingly named La Panthère - a tribute to its sleek, quiet power.

At Cigar Detective, we're thrilled to present our newest premium cigar, La Panthere. Made by the talented Hostos Fernandez at the well-respected Tabacalera La Isla factory, this cigar represents our shared dedication to exceptional quality. We're confident you'll enjoy this incredible new choice in our array.

We pride ourselves on offering you premium cigars and ultra premium cigars that don't break the bank. Our La Panthere cigar stands as a stellar example of this dedication. 

When you ignite a La Panthere, your senses are greeted with rich flavors. Imagine savouring the enticing tastes of caramel and cashew butter, sprinkled with delicate hints of macadamia. Such is the exquisite blend of flavors that La Panthere offers. We believe this rare combination creates an unmatched cigar experience that everyone can enjoy.

  • Flavors: Dominant notes of caramel, cashew butter, with a tinge of macadamia.
  • Wrapper: Corojo Rosado.
  • Origins: Crafted at Tabacalera La Isla / Hostos Fernandez cigar factory.

We're thrilled to introduce you to our superior La Panthere cigar. This top-tier cigar showcases our commitment to delivering you the finest smoking experiences.

Apart from La Panthere, you can also learn more about our catalog of premium cigars here.

Cigar Details

  • Wrapper: Nicaraguan Maduro
  • Binder: Nicaraguan
  • Filler: Dominican
  • Country of origin: Dominican Republic
  • Cigar Factory: Tabacalera La Isla / Hostos Fernandez
  • Shipping: within 24 to 48 hours
  • Prices / Sizes

- 5 PACK / LONSDALE 5.5x43 - $28.75 USD

- 5 PACK / SHORT ROBUSTO 4.5x48 -  $28.75 USD


    About The Cigar Factory
    Tabacalera La Isla / Hostos Fernandez
    Cigar Detective Premium Cigars - La Panthere - Cigar Factory Tabacalera La Isla Hostos Fernandez

    Located in the heart of Santiago, Dominican Republic, Tabacalera La Isla is a new, modern cigar factory focussed on private-label, top-tier cigars. Hostos Fernandez, the founder, established this boutique operation with a small but expert team of rollers. In a modest space nestled in the Gurabo Industrial Park Free Zone, the art of crafting premium, hand-made cigars is given a new meaning.

    Ever thought about enjoying an assortment of premium cigars every month without compromising higher costs? Then take a look at the My Cigar Pack cigar club membership. No matter your budget, we've got a membership tier for you. Anticipate a new range of premium cigars at your door each month, offering a new experience with every puff. 

    Interested in learning more about Cigar Detective, premium cigars, or ultra premium cigars? check our blog.

    The ultra premium cigar experience is already in process, stay alert for what we have prepared for you. Subscribe to our mailing list for insider news, product launches, and more!







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