Cigar Detective - Premium Cigars - Corduroy Dreams

Cigar Detective - Premium Cigars - Corduroy Dreams

Imagine a platform where cigar experts and industry insiders have come together with a singular vision, and that's Cigar Detective for you. We are equally welcoming to both cigar enthusiasts and those who are just beginning to appreciate the art of cigar smoking. Our unique selling proposition is blending the authenticity and distinctiveness of small, artisanal cigar productions with desirable pricing. 

Our primary objective comprises collecting the finest cigars in the market and giving due credit to the incredible factories that fabricate them. Leveraging our deep-rooted industry relationships, we can procure first-rate tobacco and cigars from world-famous factories. We make these luxury items available to you at remarkably affordable prices. We resonate with your inclination towards premium cigars that come with appealing branding but don't burn a hole in your pocket. We, at Cigar Detective, strive to harmonize superior quality with reasonable costs, summarizing our mission with a simple motto: "Good cigars. Great prices."

Drumroll, please, as we present one of our best-outlined narratives, 'Corduroy Dreams.' This premium cigar is lovingly crafted, telling a tale rich in heritage and complex in flavor. Corduroy Dreams captures your senses with vivid strokes of spice, rustic notes of hay, with touches of spice & and butter pecan undertones.

Introducing Corduroy Dreams: A Velvety Experience 

Cigar Detective - Premium Cigars - Corduroy Dreams

Immerse yourself in a sensation of nostalgia and reminiscence with our "Corduroy Dreams" cigar. This term, so full of imagery, encapsulates a yearning for simpler, more peaceful times. It's all about indulging in fond memories and seeking comfort in bygone eras. 

In 2021, together with Enrique and Raquel, we created a blend that was incredibly balanced, bursting with flavor, and richly nuanced. Though this cigar didn’t see the light until a year later, it's taste tests were reminiscent of a journey back in time. "Corduroy Dreams" encapsulated this curious feeling - triggering a pleasant sort of nostalgia - the reason why this cigar was worth the wait. 

Available in a selected array of sizes, Corduroy Dreams is testament to smooth craftsmanship. It provides you with a velvety indulgence, peppered with hints of spice. The aroma of hay notes is intertwined with the decadence of butter pecan undertones. Truly, a cigar like no other, this is an experience waiting to be unraveled. Apart from Corduroy Dreams, you can also learn more about our catalog of premium cigars here.

Cigar Details

  • Wrapper: Corojo 99
  • Binder: Dominican
  • Filler: Dominican, Nicaraguan
  • Country of origin: Dominican Republic
  • Cigar Factory: Manufactura De Tabacos SA / Quesada / Manolo Quesada
  • Shipping: within 24 to 48 hours
  • Prices / Sizes

- 5 PACK / LONSDALE 6.5x43 / ROBUSTO 5x52 -  $33.75 USD

- BUNDLE 25 / LONSDALE 6.5x43 / ROBUSTO 5x52 - $155.00 USD


About The Cigar Factory

Manufactura De Tabacos SA / Quesada / Manolo Quesada

Cigar Detective Premium Cigars - Eternal Flower - Cigar Factory - Quesada Cigars

Long spanning over a century, the Quesada family has rooted themselves deeply into the fabric of the tobacco industry. Initially immigrants from Spain, their early days were spent in the humble profession of baking after settling in Cuba. However, the late 1800s saw the initiation of their venture into tobacco, a venture sparked by the repayment of a debt with tobacco instead of money. 

The quest for fresh, undiscovered tobacco varieties led the Quesadas to the shores of the Dominican Republic in 1929. Despite this expansion, they held onto their base in Havana, Cuba until the turbulent 1960s. It was during this period that the Quesada family laid the groundwork for the Manufactura de Tabacos, S.A. (MATASA) - a new entity handling their manufacturing process in the Dominican Republic. 

Established in a blossoming free trade zone in Santiago in June 1974, MATASA hit the ground running as a modest venture with only three rollers. However, it wasn't long until the count increased to 35, setting the firm on a path of exponential growth. 

In the early days of the new millennium, Manolo Quesada assembled a promising management team that included his brother Alvaro Quesada, his nephew Alvarito, and general manager Julio Fajardo. Unfortunately, a tragic plane crash in April 2002 led to their untimely demise, leaving Manolo at the helm of the enterprise. 

Today, the relay baton of the Quesada legacy has been handed to his two daughters, Patricia and Raquel, as well as his niece, Esther Quesada - Alvaro's daughter. Holding the mantle of the fifth generation of the Quesada family, they currently manage a robust manufacturing facility with a workforce of over 300 dedicated individuals, passionately maintaining the traditional art of crafting premium cigars.

Interested in Joining a Cigar Club?

Are you intrigued by the idea of experiencing a variety of premium cigars every month without straining your budget? If so, you might find the My Cigar Pack club membership appealing. With different levels of membership to fit a range of budgets, you can look forward to a curated selection of premium cigars delivered to your doorstep, offering a new sensory journey each month.

Interested in learning more about Cigar Detective, premium cigars, or ultra premium cigars? check our blog.

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